
The Northern White Nights are almost as spectacular as the northern lights or a solar eclipse. Sunset and sunrise at the same time. It is almost impossible to go to sleep when the heat of the day begins to give way and the eternal glow of the low-lying sun gives the long-awaited extra hours. After all, we wait all year for the restless white nights, which forces us to stay up at night. Estonians have a cute saying that “there are things in the night” and we have an excuse for daytime sleepiness that “the nights are so white”.We don’t worry about not being able to sleep at night. We don’t worry about not being able to sleep at night. We have sunset picnics, we tell our stories until morning, we look into each other’s eyes without distraction, we swim, dance and sing and believe in the summer magic passed down from generation to generation. Even when the water is cooler and the weather is rainier, it’s our summer that we’ve been waiting for all winter and that we don’t want to miss under any circumstances.

Late night sea romance

The sea is always full of secrets. The sea has a calming effect and the sea gives freedom and is an important part of the life of our coastal villages. Starting a sea voyage in the middle of the night at sunset is a wonderful way to enjoy the short Estonian summer. Sailing on a summer night in the Livonian Gulf, going towards Kihnu or just standing at anchor and enjoying a moment in the middle of the sea is a good dose of romance to remember for a lifetime. And we can go to the sea with many different vehicles. Farther and closer.

Hilisõhtune rannaromantika

Mis oleks parem kui loodusesse sukeldumine, kastes end üleni karskesse  ja sillerdavasse vette? Ujumine loojangul on olnud läbi aegade üks meelierutavaimaid tegevusi meie rannakülade suvedes. Üdini romantiline, tervistav, lõõgastav ja inspireeriv viis kogeda ehedat loodust. Enamus meie mererandadest on suunaga päikeseloojangule, on privaatsemaid ja avalikemaid kohti. Mõnikord on õhtud meie randadel tuulevaiksed ja meri on peegelsile, rannad kivised ja rohtu kasvanud, aga koos valjuhäälsete ritsikate ja õhtuste linnukontserditega, alasti ujumiste ja lihtsalt lebasklemisega ei ole see võrraldav mitte millegi muuga.

Hilisõhtune rabaromantika

Rabad on justkui meie tagamaa. Iidvanade maastike kohal kattuvad õhtud udu, auru ja hämarikulooriga, mille all liikumas loomade varjud. Astudes rabaradeadelt maha vaikusesse ja ujuda pehmes laukavees, kuulata varjude sahinat ja hulkuda sihitult, ajaliseks piiranguks ainult päikesetõus. Koos sookailu uimastava lõhnaga, õõtsuva maapinna ja mõõduka ohutundega on rabamatkad teekond iseendasse. See on elu maitse, millest võib sõltuvuse saada.

  • Väga erilistele rabahuvilistele on meil avastamiseks Eesti suurim terviklik rabalaam Nätsi-Võlla raba Audrus, Tõstamaa ja Koonga vahel. Giidiga seiklusi teevad sinna Viruna talu ja Seikluspartner