It’s a really old and long main street that has been here since the beginning of time, the same way as it is today. It’s intriguing to think about everything that has happened here and the people who have traversed it…
This street is lined with many old and proud houses. I appreciate places with their own stories, and here, nearly every house has a rich history to share. I particularly like old houses that still display the beauty and ambiance of the past. There are plenty of window and door dividers to see, along with hidden courtyards and narrow passageways between buildings. There is also plenty of work here in taking care of these old houses for generations to come. Thankfully, it will never truly be finished. This is how I enjoy every day in my gallery. Every time I work there, I open my doors and welcome all visitors.
People. Yes, the people of Lihula are all wonderful and kind! Come and see for yourself!
Piia “Tapamaja Art Gallery”
Kas teadsid, et Lihula Linnuse kultuurikihist saadud varaseimad dateeringud pärinevad 1. aastatuhande teisest poolest. Et kiviaega tagasi ulatuv Lihula kandi ajalugu on kirev ja seiklusrikas. Mitmete hinnangute järgi arvatakse olevat Lihula linnus üks peamisi keskusi kogu Eestimaal, paiknedes ajalooliselt olulisel teetrassil, millel toimus liiklus juba muinasasjast saadik.

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