Linaküla, Kihnu vald

Times and prices

Advance bookings only

  • Single room 120€
  • Double/Twin room 120€
  • Bed in room/price per person 50€
  • Accommodation price 1 night 50€
  • Accommodation price 1 week 700€


  • Catering
    • Meals available if booked in advance
    • Breakfast for additional fee
  • Order information
    • Allow users to place orders
  • Equipment
    • Internet access
    • Airing cupboard/space
    • Drop Toilet
    • WC
    • WiFi
    • Recreation area/picnic ground
    • Wheelchair accessible
    • Free parking
    • Outdoor terrace
    • Washing machine
    • Recreation room
    • Motor home/caravan parking
    • Fridge
    • Pets allowed
    • TV in recreation room
    • Camping area
    • Activities for children
    • Sauna complex
  • Leisure and relaxation
    • Barbecue area
    • Landscaped area
    • Swimming area
  • Other
    • Show sharing
  • Room equipment
    • Shower
    • Internet (WiFi)
    • Bed linen
  • Number of rooms/seats
    • Beds: 4
    • Number of beds in winter: 4
    • Rooms total: 2
    • Number of beds in the low season: 4
    • omadusvarustus_ruumkoht_2: 1
    • Number of beds in the high season: 6
  • Additional services
    • Transfer service
    • Kitchen available
  • yldine_saar
    • Kihnu



  • Signposted
  • Sealed access road
  • By car


58°8’3″N 23°58’9″N

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