About kaimar
This author has not yet filled in any details.So far kaimar has created 353 blog entries.
Rent Kihnu sauna at Sepa farmkaimar2023-10-05T06:53:41+00:00
Disc golf at the Jõulumäe Sports and Recreation Centrekaimar2023-10-05T06:53:38+00:00
From Munalaid to Kihnu on a speedboatkaimar2023-10-05T06:53:33+00:00
Sled hill at Jõulumäekaimar2023-10-05T06:53:24+00:00
Romantic sea voyage on the blue waveskaimar2023-10-05T06:53:21+00:00
Sports halls at Jõulumäe Recreational Sports Centrekaimar2023-10-05T06:53:18+00:00